Do you believe in christian healing? Have you encountered any friends or family member who believes sickness and diseases are allowed by God to teach them a lesson in life?
Well, I have encountered more than one person who believes our good LORD allows something bad in their lives in order to teach them patience and endurance.
In fact, I myself have this erroneous belief in my younger days. But praise the LORD that His truth dawn upon my life that He wants each of us blessed and have good health.
3 John 2 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."
According to the Bible, you will have read that everywhere that Jesus went, people are healed, dead people are raised, hungry people are fed and tired fishermen received a boat sinking, net-breaking load of fishes.
One healing question remains with some believers in Christ today. And that question is, "Is God willing to heal me today?" Do you think christian healing belongs to you now?
I would like to share a healing testimony on one of my little guinea pigs. I do not know why but the weaker guinea pig became limped 8 weeks later after we brought her home. We were very sad and we prayed for her. Three times she flipped over on her back and unable to get up because of her condition. She couldn't stand to urine and poo and ended up getting dirty all over.
To cut the long story short, every time we touched her, we prayed for her. My son and I thank the LORD for his healing on our dear pet. Miraculously, the legs were healed around 4 months time. She could stand, walk and even run a little after she is healed. She even tried to popcorn when she is happy.
Isn't the LORD amazing? He cares much for our pets. How much more will He care for you? His awesome love stretches as far and as wide as the skies.
I have another testimony to share on my Healing Testimony page which is on the way.
These words of life are yours to proclaim. Claim them today!
Well, this christian healing question exists for almost two thousand years ago when "a leper came and worshipped Him, saying, "Lord,if You are willing, You can make me clean." Matthew 8:2
This leper believes in Jesus' ability to heal him but he is not sure if Jesus is willing to heal him. That is why he asked Jesus, "Lord, if you are willing..."
Therefore, today, if you doubt the LORD's love and His willingness to heal you of your sickness or disease, read and re-read the LORD Jesus' answer to the leper.
"Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing, be cleansed." Matthew 8:3
I own a book on Health And Wholeness Through The Holy CommunionThis coworker of mine experienced the power of the Holy Communion in Israel. She experienced deep vein thrombosis when she was on a flight to Israel. She ended up in a Tel Aviv hospital and her body began to turn purple. Doctors said her life was in danger.
My senior pastor and his team of pastors rushed to the hospital and partake of the Holy Communion with her. Amazingly, her heartbeat returned to normal soon after the Holy Communion. Although she was very weak, her life was not in danger anymore.
For more details and understanding on the power of the Holy CommunionMy senior pastor once shared with us that a group of believers went to the Bermuda Triangle and partake of the Holy Communion right there. The powers of darkness was broken and since then, there are no longer any missing boats or planes in this Triangle.
Remember, Jesus wants you healed more than anyone else and He is more than willing to heal you. (Matthew 8:2)
Therefore, if you are sick today, may these words be of great comfort to you. Christian healing does belong to you today! Know deep in your heart and soul that your Abba Father wants you well and healthy more than anyone else.